Key stages: Reception, 1&2
Programming / Computing
Music / Computing
Art / English / Computing
Key stages: 1&2
Programming / Math / Sci.
Computing / English
English / Computing
The use of iPads in the classroom has revolutionised the way children are taught. iPads engage, motivate and inspire pupils' learning, and at Junior Jam we have developed, and continue to develop a range of courses that allow children to learn the Computing curriculum using iPads that we can supply. As the world becomes increasingly rich with technology, Junior Jam teaches pupils to create programs, films, music and a range of other content, whilst encouraging them to express themselves and develop their own ideas using the latest apps. Junior Jam can supply a class set of iPads consiting of 15 pupils iPads / iPad minis and 1 instructor iPad.
iMedia courses are year group specific, with the exception of iTech which is taught depending on the academic year. This allows for progression between each year group regardless of how much Junior Jam experience your pupils have had.
This is evidenced in our progression maps and knowledge organisers that your school can access and download.
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