This course is aimed at teaching pupils a brand-new musical instrument, the electric drums. They will look at why rhythm is important when playing the drums, as well as all the parts of the drumkit they are going to be using. Slowly becoming comfortable, they will learn how to read drum grids in order to play different types of drumbeats, have a go at creating their own, with a final goal of playing along to piece of popular music.
This course is a continuation from Electric Drums Lite Level 1. Pupils will build on their existing knowledge of the drum kit as an instrument and develop their confidence in percussive performance. Pupils will have the opportunity to perform as solos, duets, small groups and as a whole class. Pupils will learn new techniques to play more complex rhythms and create more exciting performances.
This course introduces the pupils to a brand new instrument, the electric drums. They will learn about the history and evolution of the drum kit, the different types of drum kits available to use, as well as how to play it one themselves. With an in-depth dive into different musical genres, drumbeats and technical aspects of the instrument, pupils will build up their skill and dexterity on the drums and perform in pairs, as and ensemble and even soloists.
This course builds on the pupils existing knowledge of the electric drums and introduces more complex theory and playing techniques. They will learn about how to identify swung rhythms, different time signatures as well as how to read drum notation on a stave. With a more in-depth look into rudiments and pedal techniques, pupils will build up their skill and dexterity on the drums and perform in pairs, as and ensemble and even soloists
Key stages: Reception, 1&2
Key stages: 1&2
Key stages: 2
Key stages: Reception & 1
Key stage: 2
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