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During this course the students will explore different types of percussion. They will learn basic rhythms starting with hands and body percussion and use these techniques to create a soundscape. Using various pieces of percussion students will then learn how to play together and follow a conductor. They will use these instruments to play along to several different pieces of music and perform them, focusing on dynamics and tempo. Students will then have to create and perform a soundscape to a story line, using their percussion instruments to symbolise different moods, feelings and events. By the end of the course students will have a comfortable understanding of rhythm and percussion and be able to play and respond to each other within a musical ensemble

Lite L1R
Exploring rhythms and beats

During this course the pupils will explore different types of percussion. They will learn basic rhythms starting with hands and body percussion and use these techniques to create a soundscape. Using various pieces of percussion pupils will then learn how to play together and follow a conductor. They will use these instruments to play along to several different pieces of music and perform them, focusing on dynamics and tempo. Pupils will then have to create and perform a soundscape to a story line, using their percussion instruments to symbolise different moods, feelings and events. By the end of the course pupils will have a comfortable understanding of rhythm and percussion and be able to play and respond to each other within a musical ensemble.

Key Stage 1
Lite Level 1
Developing Musicality

Our percussion course introduces pupils to a variety of percussion instruments. Pupils will be given several different tasks and activities that introduce and develop a range of musical terminology and skills from tempo to dynamics. This course is aimed at improving pupils’ confidence and rhythmic ability.

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