Published On: 06 Feb, 2025
On the road with our PPA cover manager
Hello, my name is Michael, the new cover manager for Junior Jam. I started with Junior Jam in January and want to document what a typical day looks like in my shoes.
Tuesday 28th January 2025
I spent the morning in our head office proofreading and editing our leader keynotes for our iMedia curriculum. I then left our Bradford based head office at 11:20 en route to Cheadle to teach a music lesson using boomwhackers. The journey was slow and foggy for most of the way, especially heading over the Pennines via the M62 but I made it in plenty of time.
On arriving at the school I signed in at reception and then set up in the year 6 classroom for the afternoon’s lessons.
The school as a delight to teach in and the pupils love the Boomwhackers - there one of my favourite things to teach!
at 15:20 when the school day was done, I started my journey home.
Skip forward about thirteen hours to 6am, Wednesday 29th January 2025
I wake up, pack my bag and load my car with the equipment I would need for the day. As a cover manager I am available to be sent anywhere to cover music or media from 6.30am, so I ensure I am ready to leave before that.
On this day, I was expecting to be back in the office again for the morning, which would have mean leaving about 7.25am. However, come 6.40am I get a call from our Managing director sending me to Stoke-on-trent. So, five minutes later, I’m in the car with a coffee and some good music.
I arrive at the school around 9am and promptly begin the first lesson of the day, teaching my favourite - Boomwhackers.
I'll check in again another time with another day in the life...
Thanks for reading.