Published On: 07 Oct, 2019
Another New Instrument
Junior Jam are proud to announce that we are now offering a brand new dhol drumming course. Our dhol drumming course introduces students to the popular Punjabi genre of bhangra and can be taught as part of PPA cover and as one day workshops. Each week participants will learn about the origins and culture of bhangra music and its close association with the dhol drum. The dhol drum itself is a double-headed, barrel shaped drum, meaning it has a drum skin at either end. The drum is worn over the shoulder allowing the player to play both ends of the drum at the same time, one end providing the thunderous bass and the other an electric treble.

The sessions will focus on mastering stick drumming techniques by learning basic rhythm patterns known as chaals. Using the two different dhol drumsticks the Dagga and the Tilli. Students will be given the opportunity to play as part of an ensemble and in a solo capacity, improving confidence and manual dexterity. Bhangra also includes dance so you can expect to see students up and performing classic bhangra dance moves to the awesome sound of the dhol drum. Participants don’t need to have any previous knowledge or experience in drumming to be able to play the dhol drum which makes it a fantastic and inclusive instrument to learn for all ages and abilities.
For more information visit https://www.juniorjam.co.uk/musicandarts/