Published On: 15 Jan, 2021
Online Learning with Junior Jam!
Since the recent government announcement that schools had to close and the UK were going into another national lockdown, we had to think of ways where we could adapt our PPA teaching and lessons to ensure our staff and pupils are safe.
We decided a great way to keep our lessons engaging, fun and safe was to create some online learning videos. We have created these videos for all four of our departments. Music, Media, MFL and PE. We have spent the last week creating, filming, and editing these videos which include virtual teaching, fun tasks, and engaging videos as well as creative worksheets.
These videos are then sent to every school that we provide PPA cover for and the schools then pass these online learning videos to the parents. We have created these videos so that no pupils miss out on any vital curriculum.
We are still attending most of our schools, whether this be teaching key worker pupils or live streaming lessons to the pupils who are at home. We hope that all the pupils and parents at home enjoy our online learning videos and thank you to our instructors who are having to adapt to this new way of teaching. Fingers crossed we can get back into the classroom very soon doing what we do best….providing fun PPA cover!
Stay Safe!