Published On: 09 Aug, 2021
Our Time at Westminster C of E Primary!
This week marks the third week of our holiday club at Westminster C of E primary school in Bradford north! So far, the club has been an absolute blast as we have seen lots of smiling faces getting involved with the activities and learning new skills.
Over the past two weeks the children have taken part in both iPad and Sporting activities which allowed them to learn things such as creating their own music on GarageBand during our iJam activities and learning how to expand their batting and fielding skills during our cricket sessions. Despite the weather all the children have been having a wonderful time with dodgeball being a very big favourite among both our groups A and B due to the fact they were able to play it indoors and out and they could be very competitive with each other. The children also thoroughly enjoyed doing some martial arts with our coach Danny as they all got chance to use the pads and practice some kicks in a safe manor, it was incredible to watch!
During the holiday club we have also been fortunate enough to be able to provide packed lunches to the children consisting of a healthy and balanced lunch which a range of items and sandwich fillings each day. Some examples of fan favourites being Tuna and Turkey Slices! Being able to provide these lunches to the children is very important and has allowed us to open our clubs to more children and allowed those to attend that may otherwise not get that chance and it’s so rewarding to see them enjoying themselves!
I can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring to Westminster and what these tech wizards and sporting champions will be up to next!