Published On: 13 Nov, 2019
Sandhill Primary School Holiday Club
Last week I went to Sandhill Primary School to host a holiday club. Junior Jam held many activities including Basketball, Javelin, Football and starting with some dodgeball to get the children out of their shell while we wait for all the children to arrive in the morning. I was teaching an iPad activity: iAnimate which involves using Lego figures, toy cars and other things from around the classroom to create Stop-Motion animations. The attendees can use their imagination to make any type of animation they want. I feel that the key to a good stop-motion animation is the use of bluetac to allow the Lego figures to stick to the surface or to allow them to hold objects without falling over. My favourite one was where one of the students put a Lego figures arms and on a little toy cow and it looked funny, it was chasing after a car with a Lego head sticking out to make it look like a person was looking out of the car window. The students really enjoyed the activity’s and were hoping we’d be back next holiday. I really enjoy working at holiday clubs, they’re a little more laid back than PPA sessions just because the activity’s are more focused on games. -Luke Harrison